Desktop task timer for windows
Desktop task timer for windows

desktop task timer for windows desktop task timer for windows

You’ll find many other details here, too, from your computer’s IP address to the model names of your computer’s CPU and GPU.

  • Performance: Real-time graphs showing total CPU, memory, disk, network, and GPU resource usage for your system.
  • Processes: A list of running applications and background processes on your system along with CPU, memory, disk, network, GPU, and other resource usage information.
  • It’s an easy way to keep tabs on your computer’s CPU usage. This shows you how much CPU ( central processing unit) resources are currently in use on your system, and you can mouse over it to see memory, disk, and network usage. While the Task Manager is open, you’ll see a Task Manager icon in your notification area. Here you can tweak compatibility options and see the program’s version number, for example.
  • Properties: Open the Properties window for the program’s.
  • This will help you see exactly what the program is and what it does.

    desktop task timer for windows

    Search Online: Perform a Bing search for the program’s application name and file name.Open File Location: Open a File Explorer window showing the location of the program’s.

    #Desktop task timer for windows windows

    Always On Top: Make the Task Manager window itself “always on top” of other windows on your desktop, letting you see it at all times.Run New Task: Open the Create New Task window, where you can specify a program, folder, document, or website address and Windows will open it.This works the same as the “End Task” button. This is useful if you’re not sure which window is associated with which application. Switch To: Switch to the application’s window, bringing it to the front of your desktop and putting it in focus.

    Desktop task timer for windows